Welcome to delfina doula
Hello! My name is Emily Koester. I am a mother, a former social worker and live in Charlottesville, VA.
I love to cook, read, run, swim, hike in our beautiful mountains and trails, and enjoy my children as they
grow, learn and create. And I adore newborns: they are amazing, fascinating and wonderfully sweet.
As a postpartum doula, I provide support to families with newborns. Mothers and babies need extra support,
both physical and emotional, during the first few weeks after the birth to allow them to get to know each
other. Mothers need time to learn about being a mother, and babies need their mama's help to learn about and
adapt to life outside the womb. My role with you is to guide and nurture you so that you can embrace with
confidence your role as a guide and nurturer of your baby.
Ultimately, my wish is for families to experience this time of their new baby's life fully, richly and happily.
photo by Jen Fariello
Hello! My name is Emily Koester. I am a mother, a former social worker and live in Charlottesville, VA.
I love to cook, read, run, swim, hike in our beautiful mountains and trails, and enjoy my children as they
grow, learn and create. And I adore newborns: they are amazing, fascinating and wonderfully sweet.
As a postpartum doula, I provide support to families with newborns. Mothers and babies need extra support,
both physical and emotional, during the first few weeks after the birth to allow them to get to know each
other. Mothers need time to learn about being a mother, and babies need their mama's help to learn about and
adapt to life outside the womb. My role with you is to guide and nurture you so that you can embrace with
confidence your role as a guide and nurturer of your baby.
Ultimately, my wish is for families to experience this time of their new baby's life fully, richly and happily.
photo by Jen Fariello
What is a postpartum doula?
A doula is a woman who provides support and care to a woman in labor, during and after birth. A postpartum doula supports the mother and family after birth for the first weeks - known as the "4th trimester" - providing breastfeeding support, emotional support, mother care, baby care, sibling care and help with adjustment, healthy meal preparation, keeping the home tidy, laundry and running errands.
Why is a postpartum doula important?
After the birth of a baby, parents experience wonder, discovery and bonding with a new person in their lives. This is a special time for them all to get to know each other intimately, especially mama and baby. It is a time for the mother to rest, to recover, to enjoy and care for her baby through feeding, holding and carrying. It is a time of change, which can also bring apprehension, worry and the need for guidance - on how to care for a baby, how to adjust from one to two or more children, how to be a mother, how to be a partner in a new and consuming role as a parent. New mothers need to be able to experience this time without the daily pressures of keeping the house clean, cooking meals, taking care of the needs of all the other family members. Many of these tasks can be taken on by the father, grandparents, older siblings, other relatives or friends. For families that don't have these extra hands to support them, a postpartum doula can be especially helpful. A doula can also fill a role of support that other family members or friends aren't able to fill. The presence of a doula for even a short time after birth can ease the transition into motherhood or into the life of a growing family with additional children. Essentially, the doula gives the mother and the baby time without distraction just to be together and establish a rhythm with one another.
As a postpartum doula, I help you with the practical and emotional aspects of mothering a newborn. I am a calm and gentle presence in your home, intuitively taking care of the family's needs while I am there. I support you. I listen. I help ensure that your breastfeeding technique is good so that you are comfortable and relaxed, and confident in your ability to nourish your baby. I take care of the baby when you need to rest or simply take a break, to bathe or eat, or go for a walk. I play with your toddler or preschooler, giving undivided attention. I bring you a glass of water or a yummy snack. I provide information and instruction on baby care and soothing and mother's issues. I tidy up and help organize baby stations around the house. I adjust my care in a way that best supports you and your family. My goal is for you to relax and gain confidence.
I believe a postpartum doula provides what mothers and therefore families need to thrive - not just survive - during the first weeks or months of a new life in the household. This help is vital to creating a beautiful experience with the newborn and establishing family harmony.
Who can benefit from a doula?
* first time parents
* single parents
* parents with toddlers and/or older siblings
* parents of multiples
* parents of a baby with high needs or special needs
* parents with a limited support network
* mothers with previous postpartum problems (such as breastfeeding, exhaustion, emotional)
* mothers who are concerned about postpartum depression
* parents faced with challenging work schedules (spouse travels, mother works)
So, what does delfina mean?
Delfina is the Italian word for "dolphin" which stems originally from the Greek word delphin and is related to delphys meaning "womb." Dolphin mothers, when they give birth, have "aunties" that stay with them through the birth and for a period of time afterwards to protect the mother and baby and bring them food. This gives the mother time to nurse and bond with her baby. These "aunties" support the dolphin mother just as doulas support the human mother. Dolphins are known for their friendliness, intelligence and cooperation. I hope to bring these beautiful qualities to my work with families with newborns.
A doula is a woman who provides support and care to a woman in labor, during and after birth. A postpartum doula supports the mother and family after birth for the first weeks - known as the "4th trimester" - providing breastfeeding support, emotional support, mother care, baby care, sibling care and help with adjustment, healthy meal preparation, keeping the home tidy, laundry and running errands.
Why is a postpartum doula important?
After the birth of a baby, parents experience wonder, discovery and bonding with a new person in their lives. This is a special time for them all to get to know each other intimately, especially mama and baby. It is a time for the mother to rest, to recover, to enjoy and care for her baby through feeding, holding and carrying. It is a time of change, which can also bring apprehension, worry and the need for guidance - on how to care for a baby, how to adjust from one to two or more children, how to be a mother, how to be a partner in a new and consuming role as a parent. New mothers need to be able to experience this time without the daily pressures of keeping the house clean, cooking meals, taking care of the needs of all the other family members. Many of these tasks can be taken on by the father, grandparents, older siblings, other relatives or friends. For families that don't have these extra hands to support them, a postpartum doula can be especially helpful. A doula can also fill a role of support that other family members or friends aren't able to fill. The presence of a doula for even a short time after birth can ease the transition into motherhood or into the life of a growing family with additional children. Essentially, the doula gives the mother and the baby time without distraction just to be together and establish a rhythm with one another.
As a postpartum doula, I help you with the practical and emotional aspects of mothering a newborn. I am a calm and gentle presence in your home, intuitively taking care of the family's needs while I am there. I support you. I listen. I help ensure that your breastfeeding technique is good so that you are comfortable and relaxed, and confident in your ability to nourish your baby. I take care of the baby when you need to rest or simply take a break, to bathe or eat, or go for a walk. I play with your toddler or preschooler, giving undivided attention. I bring you a glass of water or a yummy snack. I provide information and instruction on baby care and soothing and mother's issues. I tidy up and help organize baby stations around the house. I adjust my care in a way that best supports you and your family. My goal is for you to relax and gain confidence.
I believe a postpartum doula provides what mothers and therefore families need to thrive - not just survive - during the first weeks or months of a new life in the household. This help is vital to creating a beautiful experience with the newborn and establishing family harmony.
Who can benefit from a doula?
* first time parents
* single parents
* parents with toddlers and/or older siblings
* parents of multiples
* parents of a baby with high needs or special needs
* parents with a limited support network
* mothers with previous postpartum problems (such as breastfeeding, exhaustion, emotional)
* mothers who are concerned about postpartum depression
* parents faced with challenging work schedules (spouse travels, mother works)
So, what does delfina mean?
Delfina is the Italian word for "dolphin" which stems originally from the Greek word delphin and is related to delphys meaning "womb." Dolphin mothers, when they give birth, have "aunties" that stay with them through the birth and for a period of time afterwards to protect the mother and baby and bring them food. This gives the mother time to nurse and bond with her baby. These "aunties" support the dolphin mother just as doulas support the human mother. Dolphins are known for their friendliness, intelligence and cooperation. I hope to bring these beautiful qualities to my work with families with newborns.